A. Uncertainty: Wanting to know something that is unknowable. Examples would be worrying about what will happen at some point in the future: will I get the job, will he like me, will the plane be on time for my connection, what will happen as I get older, will my son be OK if ...... The suspense aspect of this stress style has addictive qualities and is even used to market films and TV series in our culture.
To minimize negative impact:
1. Be here now, ground yourself to the moment, this is where you live.
2. Choose to relax using your breath or your thoughts.
3. Take responsibility for what you need to do to create your desired outcome.
4. Visualize your desired outcome; put out your request to the universe, act as if it is already granted to you.
5. Choose to believe that everything unfolds in perfect divine order (know that a belief is simply a thought that you tell yourself is true).
B. Resisting Reality: Wanting people, places and things to be different than they are. This category abounds daily: wanting traffic to move, workers to do their jobs they way you would do them, other people to talk or act differently in accordance with your preferences, wanting (or not wanting) a specific kind of weather, wanting someone to understand you when they are not willing to.....
To minimize negative impact:
1. Become aware / conscious / mindful of your feelings and your choices.
2. Let go of trying to force and control the world; quit resisting the way it is.
3. Recognize that everyone is perfect the way they are, it is all earth school, and we are all in it together.
4. Practice the fine art of allowing.
5. Embody your beliefs; be forgiveness, compassion, acceptance, patience.
C. Assuming Victim or Martyr Role: Giving up responsibility for creating your own life and giving others the power to "make you feel" bad or good. "They take advantage of my good nature.... I give and give and get nothing in return..... It never works out for me..... It's not my fault..... They are always making me, asking me...... I can't do this (lose weight, quit smoking, get a job)because......".
To minimize negative impact:
1. Get excited about coming to know who you really are outside of this role.
2. Let go of blame and judgement, especially of self.
3. Accept responsibility for yourself and your choices; how did you contribute to this situation, what is your part?
4. Learn to say no, sometimes to others, but mostly to yourself when you start the litany in your mind of how bad it is / they are or what you "cannot do because". This is a perfect time to inhibit your negative self talk and redirect your thoughts to a path that supports new possibilities.
5. Give thanks for all things and be grateful for the challenges and the pain. They are your teachers and let you know when you are out of balance and what you need to work on.
And for all of them: Ask for guidance and support, from the divine and from this earthly life. And be willing to receive, for it will be given.