For the life challenges that pushed me to grow, I am grateful. During the rehab from my knee surgery I learned a lot about the art of surrender and the benefits of perseverance and what a balancing act they perform together. I got to taste my relationship with self pity and anger and make choices as to where I want them in my life rather than let them run unbridled. The opportunities to practice patience and to ask for help were on my plate every day; they were my continuing education courses in grace.
I am ever so grateful to my clients for joining with me in meaningful work. My grandmother worked in a factory and disliked her job; how lucky I am to have work that I love and that nourishes me and helps me grow in tandem with others. "The meeting of two people is like the meeting of two chemical substances. If anything happens, both are changed" wrote Carl Jung. The education I receive as a therapist and a coach is a treasure that grows each time I get to share it.
I am blessed to have beloveds in my life that are generous with their support, affection, acceptance and love, and I am so grateful for the positive changes they have encouraged in me. And grateful as well for challenges that some of them offer that push me to grow even more. It is in relationship with others that we learn lessons in acceptance, compassion and forgiveness, endless opportunities for spiritual growth.
Appreciation and gratitude are attitudes that make life more enjoyable and keep us connected with heart and soul. They help maintain ego balance and take us to a place where good things reveal more of themselves. Since that which we give attention energizes and expands, putting our focus on what is good brings us additional good. And surely we can all use more of that. May your list of gratitudes grow every day.
Best wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving,
(772) 225-7447