Another example of how this works is with stress. When we are experiencing fear, the biochemistry of the brain produces chemicals to prepare for flight or fight. It doesn't matter whether you are fearful of losing your job or of meeting a deadline, body function dampens down in response to biochemistry to conserve energy and to prepare for escape or defense. This was appropriate for our ancestor when they came up against a saber tooth tiger, but this primitive response pattern doesn't work very well when we are sitting at the computer and don't have the energetic release of fight or flight. Fear is like a mind virus, and fear based beliefs like "I can't do this", "I'm not good enough", "something bad will happen if I rock the boat" spread through our operating systems much the same way as a computer virus. In a state of ongoing stress our body functions are continually repressed, including our immune system, so it makes sense that numerous diseases have been linked with chronic stress.
Your core belief system dictates whether you spend most of your time in a state of apprehension or a state of appreciation. The limiting beliefs of the cultural and family programs we grow up with have a powerful hold and unless we reach into where those programs live in the subconscious and make updates to that core operating system, they run the show. Probably as much as 95% of our daily behavior is the result of our unconscious formatting, most of which occurred when we were very young. And that is why I love working with the subconscious; miracles can happen when we remodel in that room.
Fortunately, the relationship between the unconscious and the conscious is a fluid one. Practices like mindfulness and meditation allows us to move from the chatter of our unconscious functions to making attentive choices. Tools like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and TAT (Tappas Accupressure Technique) allow us to actually reprogram unconscious patterning. It is the coherence of our belief system that manifests in our lives and we have ability to access and reorganize how that works.
One of our greatest gifts in this arena is our imagination. It allows us to create the world we want in our mind and to experience the feelings of that wish fulfilled. With imagination and visualization, we can trigger those positive 'feel good' chemicals. As an experiment one evening his week, think about something that you really want to manifest in your life. Find a place in your mind where there is freedom from all obstacles to obtaining it. Feel as if that wish is already fulfilled, already present and active in your life. Review it again just before you go to sleep and let your subconscious marinate overnight in that experience... and see what the next day brings.