1.) Life is really interesting. Pay attention to what is in front of you. Look and listen, smell and touch. Greet each day with enthusiasm and a smile because something really good might happen.
2.) We get to choose what we believe, and we can change our mind. Beliefs aren’t necessarily truths; they are simply thoughts that we have come to believe are true. Any day we can learn something that challenges an old belief. Being open to new information expands our horizons and often grants unexpected freedom.
3.) Live in the present moment. No grudges or resentments are necessary or even helpful; forgive everything. This too may grant you unexpected freedom.
4.) Ask for what you want. You will have a much better chance of getting it.
5.) When you do something stupid (and we all do), laugh at yourself instead of getting mad. Getting mad does not usually help the situation, while humor can inspire creativity and perhaps even allow you to see a way to resolve the issue. It also makes for better relationships if there is someone else in the room.
6.) Exercise regularly. Keep moving. Whether it is walking, yoga, aerobics, tai chi, dancing, swimming, keep doing it. Don’t let busy-ness or stress take away this time from you, because it is even more important to exercise when we think we don’t have the time.
7.) Play is important. Make time to enjoy and laugh. Same as with exercise.
8.) Reboot every now and again, just like you do with your other electronic devices (among other things, we are electrical beings). Take a day or an hour or a week to unplug from the daily routine on a regular basis.
9.) Periodically ask yourself: Are my decisions taking me in the direction of my goals? If so, celebrate! If not, look for what needs to change and ask for help if you need it.
Wishing you a wonderful new year.....