How many things did we not do because we thought, consciously or unconsciously, that we would not succeed or that we would look foolish? How many tasks did we mess up because we believed we would mess up? Do we do the same thing over and over whether it works or not because an unfamiliar option is too risky? How many times did we wallow in indecision because we were afraid of making the 'wrong' choice?
If we had the confidence to believe we would succeed in our endeavors, we would have less anxiety and likely make different choices to shape our lives in new patterns. Fear reduction leaves room for more love and joy. The word 'try' would no longer be in our vocabulary. Even if the result is not exactly as we had planned, every outcome would result in either growing or learning.
It's the first month of 2015. What would your year be like if you drank from this cup every day and allowed the words printed on it to permeate your beliefs? Don't have the cup? Bet you can find a piece of paper and some tape.