I've noticed that when my clients are feeling overwhelmed and highly stressed, they seem to have something in common. They have all let go of the regular practices in their life that keep them grounded and in balance. Whether their practice is yoga, journaling, group meetings, going to the gym, walking in the woods, prayer, meditation, or some form of mental or physical exercise, they have gradually decreased or all at once stopped doing those things that kept them in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Their reasons for this include not having enough time, having too much to do, not being able to focus, being too tired or too cognitively obsessed with their situation to even think about self care. While those excuses are understandable, a simple reality is that the healthy practices that they have discontinued are more likely to recharge them, to restore them to sanity and clarity, than spinning their mental wheels around and around their dilemma. Problem solving is harder when we are exhausted and overstimulated, so any practice that offers an environment of support and focus in the present moment will increase our coherence and ability to make good decisions.
The next time you are feeling overwhelmed or out of balance, think of your ground work, whatever it is that grounds you, as a way to restore harmony to your life. Make the time to do those things even if it feels like you don't have the time or the energy. You don't have to do it for hours; maybe five minutes twice a day is all you can do today, so start with that and gradually increase. You are likely to discover that this actually expands your resources of time and generates more energy and better perspective to deal with the current situation. And, if anyone asks, you could say you heard this straight from the horse's mouth....