Reed's observation on magic and loss seems to aptly describe the human experience. When we embrace magic we live with awe and gratitude and appreciation. Whether it is music or nature or human connection, miracles abound when we allow our eyes to see and our senses to encounter joyfully what is around us. And because impermanence is one of the natural laws that rules this existence, things will change, the sun will set, and we will have to let go of today's light in order to receive the next day.
There was a little spa in Cotati, California, in the 1980s where Ram Dass (AKA Richard Alpert) would sometimes hang out and share his perceptions. I was introduced to the concept of letting go of attachment to an outcome, to accept what was instead of insisting on how and what I thought it should be. I can dream, create my reality, work hard to accomplish goals.... and then still have joy even if the results do not resemble my pictured outcome, trusting that the powers that be know better than I.
In this practice of letting go of attachment to outcome and celebrating what is, I seek to learn to let go gracefully. To learn to let go with love, and to appreciate every moment.
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime.
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunlight