I have read that it is in moments of deep relaxation that our bodies do the best quality repair and maintenance. During most of our day, our energy is elsewhere diverted into thinking and doing things. And when we are overly busy or stressed, not much energy goes into the processes of digestion or cellular repair. If our body moves into a state of high alert, digestion shuts down in response to the flight or fight chemicals that are released to support the escape or combat we would be preparing for if we lived in earlier times. Even in sleep, we are usually subconsciously processing the events of the day. No wonder we have so much dis-ease.
Taking time to relax every day is one of the most loving things you can do for your body, even if it is just for a few moments. Whether it is imagining your "safe space" or perfect retreat, meditating or hypnosis, or simply staring with an empty mind at the ocean or moving water, that quiet time supports your body's ability to thrive in the physical world. One of the most healthful things you can teach your children (perhaps even as you learn yourself) is the gift of relaxation, the slowing of the breath, the quieting of the body and mind..... spending time in restorative moments.