As children we understand the joy in the experience, the doing and being in the act of creating our life in the moment. Watch kids building a sand castle; on some level they know that the ocean will claim their efforts, but that is not important. The fun is in the making of the castle, the process of creation in that very moment of time.
Too often as adults we get preoccupied with the end product of our efforts. In Alexander Technique lessons, over focus on the results is called end-gaining, and it tends to create physical problems in our body through misuse. It makes sense to me that it might also create problems in our spiritual harmony as well.
One way to have more joy in your life is to simply change your awareness and attitude towards what you do. You don't need to try to make big changes in your life (trust me, life will do that for you), but rather change your focus to appreciate whatever pleasure can be found in what you are doing. As an experiment, try this: Wash your dishes with your second chakra, the feeling place, wide open. Allow yourself to be conscious of and to enjoy the physical sensation of water, of soap, of the weight and shape of a favorite cup or bowl. Is not water itself a miraculous experience? You can put your hand right into it and it makes room for you and holds you in its embrace. Allow yourself to full appreciate the experience in a new way, with all your senses enjoying the process.
Sometimes we are too cognizant that the creation of something, whether it is a garden, a house, or a relationship, is often more rewarding than the finished project, and with that attitude, maintenance can become burdensome. What if we never stop creating? What if we continue to add elements of intentional design to our homes, our yards, and our interpersonal connections? If we get into the daily process of living with appreciation and creativity we can have more fun; we can make work play and play in our work.
May you create joy,