The Five Spiritual Principles of Reiki
Just for today I shall not worry.
Just for today I shall do my work honestly.
Just for today I will not anger.
Just for today I shall respect and be kind to all beings.
Just for today I will accept my many blessings.
Reiki is a form of energy medicine. Its philosophy posits that all of our action and decisions throughout our lives have created our present circumstances. By accepting that we are responsible for our lives we are centered in our power to create positive and lasting change. When we recognize that we have the power of choice in the present moment, vistas open and we feel hopeful and free to choose. Everything that happens has value; we are all on a journey and even our suffering has meaning.
When energy flow is blocked by illness, injury, or emotional trauma, we may experience internal conflicts and difficulty in dealing with the world. You might argue that we did not choose something really nasty that happened to us. We did however respond to that experience, and our response was built upon our entire history of choices and reactions, and we continue to make choices about how we carry that experience. One common choice is to try to not deal with it, and most of our negative experiences are our own actions coming full circle. Reiki encourages the use of wisdom and love to more easily take responsibility for our lives and restore the smooth flow of energy that allows us to choose healing pathways. The five principles offer simple guidelines as to how to do this on a daily basis.