If we choose to focus on awakening rather than obligation this holiday season, perhaps we might catch one of those powerful glimpses in our own life. Taking time to observe allows us to see our own patterns in action. Perhaps we might notice our need for perfectionism or the tendency to use food or drink to deal with anxiety and discontent. Do we grumble about out of control consumerism or give up self care to serve some belief about what we think life should be like at this time of year? Or can we consciously choose how to spend our time, perhaps creating new rituals of celebration. Alternative choices might include arranging a walk with someone you love, volunteering time for service to others, practicing "No, thank you" as a complete sentence, taking a moment of solitude in nature, scheduling time for prayer or meditation or exercise, verbalizing your love and appreciation to your beloveds, or simply getting outside in the midday sun.
Although winter is often portrayed as the season of dark and cold when things go dormant, the winter solstice today offers us the lengthening of daylight, a reason to rejoice in nature's ongoing cycles. Celebrate whatever this season means to you in ways that nourish you and bring joy. Perhaps this is the holiday season that you chose to do less and enjoy more, or maybe you do more this year to bring more joy. Whatever your choices are make them wisely, like the Magi who chose to take a different route home.