Focus on celebrating time with friends and family by being fully present, and think about how to actively apply the religious or spiritual beliefs that are important to you. Choose new mindsets as needed about relationships and about partaking of the bounty around you. You could choose to acknowledge the positive aspects of a challenging relationship and decide to forgive the hurts. Another choice in the moment is whether you take the time to taste what you put in your mouth and listen to your body's feedback. Whenever you can, slow down, pay attention, inhibit "the overdo" and choose a different path.
Discover new ways to celebrate. Think about how you honor or praise what is important to you. Kind words, acknowledgement, song, a toast, a picture, a hug, a dance, a token may prove more significant and bring more happiness than all the tinsel and packaging. Perhaps celebrate the winter solstice, the changing point when the days begin to give us more light, by lighting a candle and giving thanks. Celebrate the everyday bounty in your life, not just the 'special occasions'. I like to celebrate the little things that make life more fun and interesting. As I was writing this a neighbor texted to offer me a basket of persimmons; I can celebrate persimmons! Acknowledge the progress you make as well as the progress of others, especially the small steps in a desired direction. Celebration invites us to feel good, to be aware of positive aspects. It need not be just for the holidays; every day offers the potential of celebration with the possible outcome of having a better day and perhaps brightening someone else's day.